Storyboard 1
A boy finds a door that seems to lead nowhere.

This is the beginning of a story where a boy finds a mysterious door that seems to lead nowhere. I tried to make use of camera angles to help tell the story a little better. In the tops row we see a boy run past the camera, the camera is facing upwards to show that the boy is in power at the start of the scene. The camera changes in the second and third row, it starts from further away and looks down at the boy, establishing a larger setting and showing how small the boy really is. It takes the power away from him. As the camera zooms in, a door appears out of the left side of the screen. The last frame in the third row completely takes away the boy’s power now and is given to the door. Up until now the boy has been in motion but has suddenly come to a stop. In the fourth row the camera now focused on the door knob which the boy reaches to open. When the door opens in the last row and nothing special happens the camera is linear to the boy and the door to create a pause. This also goes along with the pause in the story, where there is no fast motion and the boy is not moving towards any goal. The door is just there.